Beyond the Pinnacle

Complete mindset shift

Reaching beyond the pinnacle is a complete mindset shift. Whether you need to adapt your perspective to approach things in a more positive and assured way, or if you need to completely overhaul your thinking to achieve things that you never dreamed possible, I can help you change your attitude and the way that you engage with and overcome challenges.

Coaching with me can help you to recognise your weaknesses, embrace them, learn from them and accept guidance to turn them into your greatest strengths. You can work with me to build your confidence and instil a sense of absolute belief in who you are and what you want to achieve.

You can look at where your time is spent and whether this is necessary or simply wasted potential. By progressing, you can learn how to recognise how best to use your productive time to work on your goals.

By developing healthy habits, in your mind as well as your body, you are on the right trail to your destination – wherever that may be.

If we’ve talked during your retreat, we can continue our work as soon as you feel ready. If we didn’t see each other, I’ve always got time for a consultation – just get in touch.

When you’re already someone who has achieved many of their goals and ambitions, finding your next challenge or a suitable goal for your future can be frustrating.  I will work with you to determine what the next stage in your journey is and identify key goals on your ascent beyond the pinnacle.

Then, with my guidance and coaching, you can:

·         Recognise key goals and steps on your journey
·         Build your confidence, and improve every aspect of your life
·         Find the freedom to act with honesty, both with yourself and the world around you
·         Learn how to engage with your own vulnerabilities, and learn ways in which you can ask for help
·         Learn to love your body first, then develop it for you
·         Assess the people in your life, and how they contribute towards your ambition
·         Redefine the limits of your own reality
·         Develop keen self-discipline, and learn how to truly take back control of your time
·         Understand my concept of ‘mind fitness’ and develop your own acuity and reasoning skills
·         Create opportunities for yourself where they never existed before
·         Create detailed plans on how you will reach your next pinnacle and celebrate every milestone along the way
·         View yourself as your own biggest opportunity for growth and personal investment: your own coach, mentor, your own biggest fan
·         Refine your positive, forward-thinking attitude that overcomes challenges and solves problems
·         Empower your own network and the people around you; recognise the impact that your friends, family, and peers have on your life and success.